So Olympics is having and impact on Yamanote Line trains.
If you have traveled on the local trains in Japan, not only Tokyo, you will have noticed paper ads hanging inside compartments, something which I have always take a lot of interest to read and learn Japanese in my early days of Japan.
By autumn test runs of a new Yamanote Line train are planned where the ads will be replaced by digital signage on the walls. We are not sure about the cost calculations and energy consumption for this, but seems that digital is increasingly making a footprint into areas where “paper will not vanish” arguments were loud. JR will collect feedback from passengers and it will be interesting what the insights will be from the exercise.
The LCD panels on part of the Yamanote Line trains presently show interactive weather, news headlines and even trivia info to know ON THE GO. Passengers probably have eyeballs on both analog and digital presently and the pressure from the digital lobby who spend their ad dollars is clearly showing its impact by pushing for a digital only plan for trains.
JR East will run only one train of the E235 series from autumn. However, it plans to operate more trains of that series from 2018, it said and in time for Olympics we can have a paper free Yamanote Train by 2020. JR East will continue displaying conventional paper advertisements in limited places, including the walls on both sides of doors for boarding and departing riders.
17 and 21 inch displays, around 30 digital signs will be installed above doors, racks and the doors leading to next cars. We look forward to paperless Yamanote Line soooon!