The Indian festival of COLORS, was celebrated on the picturesque location of Aka Renga Souko in Yokohama last weekend.
Here are the experiences, we had there, a COLORFUL event and a lot of fun. The event held for three consecutive days, we went on the final day of Sunday when the temperatures were slightly better off and enjoyable for outdoor activity. Yokohama is similar to Kobe when it comes to the port city concept and both areas where Indian community (traders) have a strong presence. Mostly pearl and diamond merchants as against the IT professionals of Tokyo, part of these communities sponsor these events like HOLI in Japan.
The lively atmosphere at the Aka Renga Soko with weekend crowds thronging the festival easily outnumbered the native Indian community which was present to celebrate. Stalls selling Indian ethnic goods like bindi, sandals, clothes were the main attraction other than FOOD
Soon we were in the area where colors were being sold, and people having a great time in a corner specifically marked out to play Holi. I get the context, but seriously, Holi was about breaking the regular behaviors and we used to have a no bounds activity in India, throwing colors at passers by in the lanes, neighborhoods etc. Well in Japan, it has to be in control and without “nuisance” or “meiwaku” to others and the specifically designated area was cordoned off with 2000 yen entry ticket. Defeats the purpose and spirit of the festival, seriously…
Special stage was put around for Indian dances on Bollywood songs and the Japanese ladies performed nicely with local Japanese crowds amused or sometimes sometimes surprised at the elegant steps and interesting music. ENERGETIC PERFORMANCES
Not only Bollywood music, but there was serious classical Indian dances too and were very well performed by Japanese ladies. Interesting to see this cultural maturity which has built up over years where Japanese ladies have taken in a big way to Indian classical dance and music.
Stalls selling Indian footwera the Yokohama Holi 2015
Bindi, with Bollywood actresses pictures on top of the small packets were sold at 300 yen a pop. Costly by Indian standards.
The Japanese seemed to be having a great time at the location. Colorful Japanese on a smartphone
There was also a flower festival at the Aka Renga grounds and the complete grounds were filled with colorful flowers and people flooding on the sidelines.
HOLI activity, great food, good weather for outdoor activity, awesome colorful flowers and great music and food, SPRING IN 2015 IS TRULY HERE..